Release 1.0 and more info

The TUNIC demake is finally finished after several months in the making. The game is based on an early demo of the original and almost everything in the demo version is included in this demake. However, there are some minor changes I made because of the limits of GB studio and to keep the game optimized for the Gameboy Hardware. Here are some of the differences between the original game and the demake:
The game's combat is more similar to an old-school Zelda game and the Inventory is divided into two categories, one for weapons and one for items. The Instruction manuals are less detailed to fit on the screen. The game's language is downscaled to fit in 8x8 pixels. There are no shields. If the game is too difficult you can enable the NoFail mode on the title screen by pressing select.
The game's art is inspired by The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening but is more minimalistic/simple to make it similar to the original.
Instead of using sound packs, the sound effects used in the game are made in FxHammer. The music, I have to arrange it by carefully listening to the soundtrack. These don't sound exactly like in the original and they only used two sound channels. If the music is too repetitive or too annoying you can disable it on the title screen by pressing select.
Although it could have looked/sounded better, I'm happy with how this turned out. If you have any questions about the demake and it's development, let me know in the comments or DM me on Discord as VibinFerret#2112.
Huge thanks to:
Andrew Shouldice for creating TUNIC
Katze007 for making the cover art, artwork for the manual, player design, and checkpoint sprite.
And the GB studio community
Tiny Fox, Tiny Handheld, Color Demake
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