This actually made me so happy. Instantly downloaded it onto my emulator, im going to cry bc of how happy i am. tunic is absolutely one of my very top favorit games. i have the physical copy of the game and book and everything. Im needlefelting the creatures. having the game i am obsesed with on my little handheld console, incredible. i am so happy. hearing the music in bit was like being hugged by a warm hotchocolate in fall withextra marchmallows while it lightly rains and im looking out the window from a cozy chair with a flannel plaid blanket and a cat on my feet which are curled in the chair because its comfier to sot with your legs up. long story short, twas a treat for the tism <3
Thank you for the very kind comment, you reminded me why I make games like this. I would spend weeks or even months working on it and making progress and when I look at the final product at first glance, I would think that it looks unfinished and I could've done it better.
And then there's people like you, who don't seem to mind about its imperfections and appreciates that someone out there liked the same thing as you that much that they spent their time carefully making something (usually non-profitable) based on it. I've probably introduced this game for the first time to some. And that makes me think that it was worth it and motivates me to keep doing it just for fun. I'm glad that you liked it.
Floating icons don't work very well with the gameboy hardware. I could've used a tile based hud instead but that would require to building it from the ground up.
I would love! If you can open source one of your top down 2d projects just so we can see how you made everything so fluid like the sword swinging. Alternatively I can imagine you making a top down 2d Zelda pack for other game makers.
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This actually made me so happy. Instantly downloaded it onto my emulator, im going to cry bc of how happy i am. tunic is absolutely one of my very top favorit games. i have the physical copy of the game and book and everything. Im needlefelting the creatures. having the game i am obsesed with on my little handheld console, incredible. i am so happy. hearing the music in bit was like being hugged by a warm hotchocolate in fall withextra marchmallows while it lightly rains and im looking out the window from a cozy chair with a flannel plaid blanket and a cat on my feet which are curled in the chair because its comfier to sot with your legs up. long story short, twas a treat for the tism <3
Thank you for the very kind comment, you reminded me why I make games like this. I would spend weeks or even months working on it and making progress and when I look at the final product at first glance, I would think that it looks unfinished and I could've done it better.
And then there's people like you, who don't seem to mind about its imperfections and appreciates that someone out there liked the same thing as you that much that they spent their time carefully making something (usually non-profitable) based on it. I've probably introduced this game for the first time to some. And that makes me think that it was worth it and motivates me to keep doing it just for fun. I'm glad that you liked it.
I loved it. I wish it was longer.
How much game is there?
Not much, you could beat the entire game in less than 10 minutes
I get a kernel panic when I try to run it with croc in a gameboy color
Can you please specify?
Looks awesome, appreciate that gamepad is supported. Will you pls put on steam too?
I hadn't known it had gamepad support until release. And as for a Steam release, I don't think it's good enough to guarantee one.
Could we get a label for this?
Maybe, if Finji is interested in this demake, I would make a full version.
I really hope so ^-^
Cool game
I think I found some ui bug 1 look at the sign 2 look at the second item bar

Floating icons don't work very well with the gameboy hardware. I could've used a tile based hud instead but that would require to building it from the ground up.
holeeee shit
the man himself
I really liked how this adaptation turned out, for those who want to check out a gameplay:
I would love! If you can open source one of your top down 2d projects just so we can see how you made everything so fluid like the sword swinging. Alternatively I can imagine you making a top down 2d Zelda pack for other game makers.
Really cool demake!
I would love to write about how I made the game but I think its too early to release the source code.